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The Many Benefits of Social Media Marketing-how?

Social media marketing has many benefits, but when it comes to having an online presence and reaching customers online, it’s hard to find anyone who does it better than Bin Shafiq Digital. With over 15 years of experience in the digital marketing field, our team of social media marketing experts is top-notch, ensuring your brand gets exactly what it needs to stand out and grow while building your company’s image at the same time. Here are some of the ways we can help you with your social media marketing efforts.

Advertising on Facebook

There are several reasons you should consider advertising on Facebook. If you want to learn more about Facebook advertising, then I suggest giving Bin Shafiq Digital, the best Social Marketing Agency in Lahore a try. Our social media marketing consultants in Lahore are experts in helping companies grow their brands on Facebook and other social media sites.

facebook marketing
Social Media Marketing Lahore

Advertising on Twitter

Twitter has become one of the most valuable marketing tools in Pakistan. According to a study by BinShafiqDigital, social media is currently worth 8% of all advertising spending in Pakistan – but with mobile phone penetration increasing, that number is expected to double to 16% by 2022. One reason for Twitter’s rising value is due to its potential ability to reach rural markets; a recent study found 80% penetration in urban areas, with just 20% online access available in rural Pakistan.

Discover New Customers

In an increasingly digital age, where most people spend a significant portion of their day checking social media sites for updates and news, social media marketing offers businesses a unique opportunity to reach new customers. No matter what niche you’re in, your target market is likely using social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest every day. If you make these platforms part of your marketing strategy from day one, you’ll be able to tap into these communities with ease.

new customers

Generate More Sales Leads

Good social media marketing techniques and strategies will not only help you build a stronger brand identity but can also generate more sales leads and improve your bottom line. The team at Bin Shafiq Digital is one of Pakistan’s leading Social Media Marketing Agencies, working to provide digital solutions that harness existing communication networks to produce significant results for both businesses and individuals. As a social media Agency in Lahore, we specialize in helping companies establish themselves as brands through social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We also have extensive experience managing Google AdWords campaigns and building custom landing pages for all kinds of websites. In short: if it involves social media or online marketing efforts, we know how to do it better than anyone else.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Reach Audiences

Social media marketing isn’t only limited to teenagers and college students—anyone with a story or perspective can find an audience and build connections online. Of course, like any kind of marketing, social media has its pros and cons; you might want to hire a social media marketing agency if you’re unsure about how to manage your online presence, or if you want help connecting with existing audiences in new ways.

Meet Specific Goals

Social media is powerful for businesses and brands because it’s usually more cost-effective than traditional advertising. Social media marketing goals can be set in a variety of ways, such as increasing brand awareness, connecting with customers on a personal level, driving traffic to a website, or making sales. By tailoring your social media strategy to meet specific goals and putting a plan in place to achieve them, you’ll be able to measure results over time so you know what works best. Ultimately, social media marketing is about building relationships with people who have similar interests and getting them involved in your business. Your goal should be to engage potential customers through social channels while encouraging interaction that drives engagement. Social media marketing allows you to connect with potential clients in an intimate way that was never possible before. Social media makes sharing information easy and instant, which means that consumers are constantly exposed to new products and services they might not have otherwise known about. This gives companies opportunities they wouldn’t have had previously—but only if they use social media correctly!



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